Should You Have Your HVAC System Serviced Each Year?

The weather has turned chilly again, and it’s time to start getting your heating system ready for the cold weather ahead. The heating and cooling experts at Space Age Heating & Cooling recommend having your heating system serviced each fall before the snow flies. This will ensure that your heating system is clean and ready for a busy winter.

A question that many homeowners have is whether they should have their HVAC system serviced each year. Like most HVAC questions, the answer depends on the responses to several other queries: when was your HVAC system installed? Where do you live? How well is your system performing now? These elements will assist in figuring out how frequently you should have your system serviced as well as the cost of your service call. For your HVAC, it could be better if you got system service every year, it would benefit its overall performance.

Less Money on Parts

When it comes to your home HVAC system, you want to have it serviced annually. Contact an HVAC professional to get it repaired or replaced at the first sign of a problem to avoid further damage. It can save you money in the long run, keep the system running efficiently, and save you money on energy bills.

Better Air Circulation and Quality

The heating and cooling system that runs throughout your home plays a major role in your indoor air quality, which in turn impacts your health. And its maintenance is especially important to keep your system running smoothly as the weather outside changes. A broken HVAC system can significantly reduce your home’s comfort and increase your utility costs. To keep your home comfortable all year long, it’s crucial to have your HVAC system serviced yearly.

If you have a furnace heater in your house, it could be prone to mold and similar problems if left unchecked, leaving you wondering things like where to get a mold test kit to hopefully catch mold before it develops into a serious problem. Because a furnace heats up your entire house through air ducts, a fault in the appliance might lead to serious problems for your house. Therefore, it is prudent to keep tabs on the status of your furnace’s quality. Furnace Tune Up Service in Boise, ID, and other surrounding areas could provide you with the comprehensive assistance you may need to keep your furnace in shape. A well-maintained HVAC system can turn your house into a calming haven.

Lower Utility Bills

Let’s face it, heating and cooling are one of our biggest expenses when it comes to home bills. You’ve probably had a smart meter or heating oil tank monitor from installed just to see how much you’re using daily. But did you know you can lower your utility bills by upgrading your heating and cooling system? According to the U.S. Department of Energy, some homes with older HVAC systems lose as much as 30% of their energy to inefficient duct systems and aging components. Replacing your old system with a new ENERGY STAR system can lower your bills by up to 20%.

Longer Lifespan

Without regular maintenance, you risk your HVAC breaking down on you in the middle of winter, leaving you with no heat and no air conditioning. Of course, this not only leaves you with no climate control, but it also means you lose money. A breakdown costs you money in the short term, but it can also cost you lost productivity and profit since you have to spend time trying to fix the HVAC. The best way to keep your HVAC running is to treat it like any other piece of equipment and take care of it. This means finding a reputable HVAC company and having them come out to your place every year, or every other year, for routine maintenance. However, if you just have an air conditioning unit that is getting old, then you may want to call out a High quality Air conditioner replacement service from Brooks Heating and Air or look into services within your local area, so you can have it sorted out as quickly as possible.

Most people don’t think about their HVAC system until there is a problem or their heater or air conditioner stops working. But in reality, the annual service of your HVAC unit can help you save money in the long run. While monthly service may be more convenient, annual inspections and tune-ups by a professional technician can spot potential problems before they become major problems.